Thursday, June 26, 2008

Old Devotions

Colossians chapter four

We start where we left off with instruction on how we should interact with one another. Verses 2-6 tell us more of how to behave plus a great example of how we should be asking one another to pray that God would open our mouths to speak the gospel. Paul closes this letter by sending greetings from those who are with him plus final instruction share this letter with another church as well as to get and read the letter to them.

Colossians Chapter three

O what a wonderful thing that we have died with Christ (chapter 2 verse 20) and yet it gets even better, we don’t just die with Christ we are raised with Him! So let us keep in mind the thing that are above. In other words we had died with Christ to sin and we now live with Christ to righteousness. So leavening everything that is not Christ behind we live now live for Christ alone. Then Paul tells us how to “12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. 14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” This chapter ends with how we should relate to one another.

Colossians chapter two.

Paul starts saying how he wants to meet them face-to-face and how he longs that they would be encouraged until he can come to them. He wants them to be knit together in love abundantly knowing Christ, walking in Christ, rooted in, built up in, and established in Christ with thanksgiving. He reminds them that they are already complete in Christ so they should not be swayed to chase after fleshly things to become more complete. I love verse 12 and not just because I am a Baptist he says that you where “buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” Praise is to God most high for He has done the work for us and He will complete it. Then we hear wonderful news we should not let people judge us by the law for the law was a shadow of things to come but now we have Christ and He is light. Read verse 20-22 and pray God would give you right understanding. Remember what Romans 6:18 says “And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.”

Colossians chapter one

Wow what a chapter. We start this letter with Paul and Timothy’s greeting and it is a good one blessing the readers with the grace and peace that comes from God. The writers go on to tell their audience of the rejoicing and prayers the have for them after hearing that the hope of heaven is in them through the good word, which is baring other fruits in them as well. Paul and Timothy tell them that it is their prayer that those at Colossi would grow in knowledge and spiritual understanding, so that they might walk in his ways. It says that God has delivered even unto the forgiveness of sins, praises to God. He has not just taken of out of darkness but brought us into light. Paul goes on talking about how all of this indeed all things are for the glory of Christ and that is what he will work for.

Philippians chapter four.

Our attentions should still be on Christ power to bring all things under Him self and with that in mind we are told to stand fast. Then there is yet another call for unity this time between specific individuals. Paul calling them to unity is just a specific use of a call that applies to all of us. So let us pray that the peace of God would guard our hearts as well. I love verse 8 but seem to fail at practicing it “8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” Paul then thanks them for their gift, give them the example of contentment, and give them the greeting of all saints.

Philippians chapter three.

So now that you have seen the thoughts that came form my devotions and the song they made me think of I’ll post my notes. I think at the beginning of this chapter Paul is warning us to beware of any who would add anything to the gospel (meaning the whole word of God because it is all very good news) in particularly circumcision for non Jewish believers or any kind of boasting in the flesh instead of God. Then he encourages then stating that they do have confidence in the spirit. He further puts down the idea of fleshly confidence by show that he would have more room to boast then most but counts all that rubbish. Indeed the apostle counts all thing as trash for the sake of knowing Christ as Lord. It hits me that the great prize Paul is willing to through all other things away for isn’t Christ as savior but as Lord. I think it is a great and wonderful thing to know Christ as Savior but how much more so to know Him as Lord and even more as Father. Paul doesn’t leave it at just knowing though he adds being found in Christ and having no righteousness of his own but Christ righteousness that comes by faith. Praise God! That it comes by faith for we could never earn it. Paul then confesses that he isn’t perfected but presses on into Christ (which is a form of fellowship with Him) to obtain the prize of his calling (greater fellowship with Christ). Paul says that as many as are grown let us be of one mind (yet another call for us to be unified). The chapter ends with Paul reminding them to beware those whose minds are on earthly things and that their citizenship is in heaven and their hope is in the resurrection into glorified bodies which Christ will give them even as He is able to do all things.

Philippians chapter two

Chapter two starts by making a great appeal for humble unity look at verses 1-11. How can we do this? We are empowered to do this by fellowship with the Holy Spirit. What does it look like? Christ gave us the example by leaving His highly exulted place in heaven and humbled Himself to save and serve the church. Why should we do this? We must do this to the glory of God, which is our whole reason for being. In versus 12-18 I was reminded again about how we must work hard but trust God. It was John Pipper at New Attitude that spoke on hard work was not what produced change but it was usually necessary for change. What he was saying and what Paul is saying is we must work hard but our hard work doesn’t make change. God is the only one who can cause us to bear fruit, He is the only one that makes change happen in our sinful hearts. He paid the price on the cross and He will finish the work that He began. Paul go on to tell of his plans to send Epaphroditus then Timothy to them before hopefully coming himself.

Philippians chapter one.

Today as I looked at verses 3-11, I was touched by a picture of what we should look like as the body of Christ. We should be joyfully make requests for one another, encouraging each other to fellowship in the gospel both with Christ and His body the church, we should be partners in proclaiming the gospel, sincere, being filled with righteousness and confidence that it is Christ who will do all this in us. Then in 12-15 I see Paul’s joy in the good news going out no matter how or why (I think it is because he knew the God would work all together for Christ glory, and that the word of the Lord never returns void). The rest of the chapter just makes me want to live a life worthy of the high calling of God that while I live I love Christ and serve His body till the day He brings me home.

Ephesians chapter Six.

This chapter continues to build on the last chapter talking about honoring God by how we honor men. Then in verse 10-17 we see the whole armor of God, which He gives us if we will but put it on. Verse 18 is a call that is near and dear to my heart “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” We need to as the body of Christ be in prayer for one another. We need to pray for the church in our families, cities, countries, and The Holy Catholic Church (read as all of the church everywhere, not just the church of Rome), which is the body of Christ our Lord. Paul goes on to ask for prayer, something you should all be doing for me when ever you have the time and sometimes that you don’t. He closes the letter with some parting words that seem to express genuine care.

Ephesians chapter five.

My devotions today came from Ephesians chapter five and Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation).

Today I needed help with my devotions so I turn to a trusted teacher Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation). I’ve posted the link so you can read the whole thing. For those of you who don’t want to read it here are some highlights. For verses 1-2 “Here we have the exhortation to mutual love, or to Christian charity.” For verses 3-20 “Now these sins must be dreaded and detested in the highest degree: “Let it not be once named among you,” never in a way of approbation nor without abhorrence, as becometh saints, holy persons, who are separated from the world, and dedicated unto God. The apostle not only cautions against the gross acts of sin, but against what some may be apt to make light of, and think to be excusable.” For verses 21-33 “There is a mutual submission that Christians owe one to another, condescending to bear one another's burdens: not advancing themselves above others, nor domineering over one another and giving laws to one another. Paul was an example of this truly Christian temper, for he became all things to all men. We must be of a yielding and of a submissive spirit, and ready to all the duties of the respective places and stations that God has allotted to us in the world. In the fear of God, that is, so far as is consistent with the fear of God, for his sake, and out of conscience towards him, and that hereby we may give proof that we truly fear him. Where there is this mutual condescension and submission, the duties of all relations will be the better performed.” I love that God has so blessed that these writings are at my fingertips.

Ephesians chapter four.

This chapter starts out by say since you have received all these wonderful gifts, the greatest of all being fellowship with Christ, live like it! We have support in our unity. We are one body with one spirit, one hope, one calling, and one Head who is over all things, Christ.

Ephesians chapter three

I find it a great wonder that the mystery of God should be given and expressed the us. What more can be said then what Paul said “to God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen”

Ephesians chapter two

Praise God for the resurrection from the dead! For even when we were dead in trespasses, God made us alive together with Christ, rejoice. This is good news. Then, Paul goes on to tell us that God made us sit together in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus. So not only are we getting every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places from chapter one, now we are promised being together with Christ. So I get to thinking why? For His glory… but how do we give Him glory? Well, look at verses 8-10; we see that He saved us not just from sin, but unto good works, but how? It’s God who moves in us, to turn us from sin to good works in Him. That is the first fruit of His moving in us, unto the end, that we may have complete fellowship with Him. For through Christ, we have access, by the Holy Spirit, to the Father. Praise God.

Ephesians chapter one.

This is a wonderful portion of the holy word of God. The chapter seems to be God’s way of taking away any doubt that we could ever lose what we could never earn, namely that great salvation Christ gave us though the cross. The Lord hath chosen us for His own pleasure and has sealed us by the Holy Spirit. How could there ever be a greater salvation? Seeing as we did nothing to earn salvation why would we think we could lose it? Even better look at what all we receive beyond salvation from sin, we have: every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, we will be holy and without blame before Him in love, we have adoption as sons, He made us accepted in the Beloved, we have obtained an inheritance in Him, and so much more just in this one little chapter. Now you may say why would He give us all that? Well it tells us for His Glory unto His pleasure. We can know that it bring God pleasure to bless His people. What a wonderful God we serve.